Monday, March 5, 2007

Neon Monday

We woke up early this morning to avoid any maid confrontations--we weren't supposed to stay at the ISH last night, but were safe now until Thursday--and went to The National Gallery to check out "Manet to Picasso," a breathtaking collection of Impressionists. On the way back to George's place, we stopped and picked up a copy of Neon Bible, The Arcade Fire's new release and the current indie good book. It dropped here on Saturday, suckas. I hadn't really heard much of it up to this point, but after listening to it a little bit, I'll say it sounds nice, Clark. Real nice. Expect a review later. (I know, I've said that for the EITS show and for the TBK/TBA double affair and you've received nothing. I promise they will be up soon. It's a tricky net situation here. Plus, wouldn't you be worried about me if I sat in front of my computer all day and didn't see the sights of London?) Also, The Avett Brothers’ show on Saturday night...oh buddy, was it wild! That one's on the way as well.

That's it for now. We're off to The British Museum. Cheers.

Actually, sit back down. Watch our video of "I Killed Sally's Lover." It'll whet your palate for the Avett review. I'm not the greatest photographer, but this should illustrate the band's electric delivery. Also, I apologize for the hand in front of the screen. It's from some girl that I shushed earlier in the night for talking during a slow song. The nerve.

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